Today’s news Voices In My Head. Ok I’m not crazy here, but there are very three distinct voices in my mind/head on a regular basis. Our world especially this scientific culture that I live in would say there is something wrong with my brain. I have heard these voices very distinct voices as far back in my life as 2 years old. My voice, God’s voice, and the one that lies, the one that says I don’t measure up. The one that says I need this that or the other to be happy or fulfilled. I haven’t always understood the distinction between the voices, the reason for that is sometimes the voices sound like three or fifty voices blaring in my head at the top of their lungs screaming for my attenchen the loud ones are usually the lies it is in those times that it becomes very hard to distinguish the three voices. My voice gets confused. Here is the thing though, and I am not writing this from a I know it all perspective, because I don’t! I...
Us, living the next life now. Living an intimate life with God through Jesus Christ. Loving His people by His Grace. Loving others by His Grace. Drinking Coffee. Doing life in Grace, Not fear.