Today’s news It’s hard to Breathe today. It’s hard to breath when you know that someone you love is leaving or has left this life. It’s hard not to weep, it’s hard to not be filled with thoughts about everyone who She has touched in her life time. It’s hard not to think about how much you love her and how much she has blessed your life and how amazing you think her life has been in your eyes. Grandma Vela my grandma is about to leave her cursed body behind. I’m glad of this at least, it’s hard to see her struggle with the pain that is inflicting her hard to see her so bound by this body that is failing her that has stopped working. Today I remember the fear in her eyes as I sat with her in her hospital bed, this past weekend and I remembered something she would say to me over and over again, “if it weren’t for Jesus Christ I would not have gotten through this life.” I never really saw her fear growing up, I know it was there though, and now I see more...
Us, living the next life now. Living an intimate life with God through Jesus Christ. Loving His people by His Grace. Loving others by His Grace. Drinking Coffee. Doing life in Grace, Not fear.