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It’s About Listening.

Today’s news
First things first!
It’s Monday morning, the beginning of the work week. It’s another start to something.  Our life is full of starts and finishes. We start a new week, we start a new weekend, we start a new day, we start a new pot of coffee =0), we start a new load of laundry and so on and so forth. With all these starts there are a whole lot of opportunities to add a conversation, a prayer to our God. 
I love this idea, in all the starts of each day, that I would acknowledge Him and lift a prayer or remember something He has said in His word. Or, in that moment of start I could worship Him or thank Him. I’m going to challenge myself with this, and I’m going to challenge all of you to the same, and remember there are always new places to start this challenge. 
A nourished life is one that starts by putting ones self into a position to listen to what our God and Creator has to say.  And, we are able to stand before our holy righteous God because of His Son, who was both God and Man.  Jesus Christ became sin for us on the Cross. He shed his own blood and broke his own body that we may stand before a Just God. So that we may have a deep intimate relationship with Him. And He wants us to have a deep intimate relationship with Him! So I start by believing in His Son Jesus Christ and His Grace for me. From there I daily begin with a time of listening to Him! 
It’s hard, to put our mind to understanding, we have life through grace. It’s hard to not live in fear. How many times a day do we chose to live in fear, instead of love those around us? When someone is difficult to love, fear rises up in me and causes me to high tail it out of there. Fear keeps me from having the difficult conversations, it keeps me from making an effort with others, it keeps me from just being with others in the mess of life. 
Most of all fear doesn’t trust, it doesn’t give our fears to our God, who is able and has already taken care of all we fear! God’s perfect Love, helps cast out all fear.  I pray for all those I know and myself, I pray we would not live in fear, in Jesus Christ I lift this prayer! Today! 
Now, start the day, hold Him close, hold his word close, as we walk through this day, and in it come over and over to him in a steady prayerful conversation.
He is with us always, he promised in his word, “God has said, “ Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.””
  -Hebrews 13:5


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